Are You Ready For The Voice Profiling Revolution? | Furlough Weekly
- Oct 05, 2021
📅 [Aug 13, 2021]
Happy Monday! Lego thieves are on the rise. A ring of international toy thieves with a love for colored interlocking bricks are being investigated by French police. Rumors of a “Lego black market” are rampant due to limited edition collector’s toys selling at hefty prices.
In this week’s issue:
- Are You Ready For The Voice Profiling Revolution?
- Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, Courage…and Roslyn
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Are You Ready For The Voice Profiling Revolution?
Smart speakers and voice-responsible technology have come a long way. But things are just getting started.
Word on the street is that marketers are on the verge of being able to use AI vocal analysis technology to receive in-depth insights on consumers.
Consumers will be profiled by their own unique speech patterns and tone of voice. According to researchers this could analyze personality, reveal feelings about products and services, and even reveal physical characteristics about a person.
The seed has been planted. Tech companies are making moves on this vision through patents.
This voice technology will determine the physical and emotional state of its users. Once the state is determined, the tech will suggest relevant audio and visual content to appeal to the user. The technology is said to even be able to tell if the user has an illness like a cold based on the voice information.
This tech uses real-time tracking in the home via microphones to track family members. Much like email segmentation, Google will be able to pick up gender and age information, subsequently tagging them as separate individuals.
But why does Google need such specific information?
The company plans to roll out a “household policy manager,” which can assess habits such as eating and tv schedules. They hope that the tech will act as a tool, suggesting better time allocation for each activity.
Application within the marketing sphere: A voice-centered future will begin with businesses encouraging consumers to give them permission to collect voice data.
Amazon is already ahead of the game with an enticing strategy: Amazon Echo’s hit the market at “no brainer” prices. The numbers don’t lie: 46.5 million Amazon Echos have been installed in the United States alone.
Our question at Furlough: Is voice recognition the key to tailored marketing or is this a massive overstep in privacy?
🤩 Spotlight
Wisdom, Justice, Temperance, Courage…and Roslyn
Last week we issued a challenge: who would be the next Furlough community member to answer when opportunity knocks?
We couldn’t be happier to report that someone we all know said “challenge accepted.”
Roslyn Fawns.
A powerhouse. Roslyn has been at the very core of our community since her start here in January. She has worked with many important community clients already such as Pcheebum and Coyco. She has also been involved in almost every single element of this community’s development; SEO, e-mail marketing, social media, design…she has touched it all.
This week, however, she did something all her own.
She closed her own client, The Aurelius Foundation.
And it’s clear to see why. The foundation is centered on the virtues of wisdom, justice, temperance, and courage…all virtues that Roslyn embodies.
She will be handling the company’s branding and graphic design moving forward.
Cheers to you, Roslyn!
With so much opportunity out there, we have to ask yet again…will you be the one that answers the call next week?
🤳 Round-Up
BRAINTEASER: Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I? See the answer here.
- TECHNOLOGY: Kellogg’s cereal box change may be one of the most forward-thinking things to date. This is what they are doing.
- SPOTIFY: This new rollout is going to allow publishers new insights into their listeners’ demographics.
- BUSINESS OPERATIONS: Need to scale up your marketing agency? Here are 5 tactics you can use immediately to start.
- WEB DEVELOPMENT: This company is helping coders make their job a little easier. How? By using something we all love to hate: AI.
We’ll see you next week with more fresh marketing and community news.