Furlough Weekly
We filter all the noise so you don’t have too.
Carefully curated digital marketing news, tech, and actionable advice. Delivered fresh every weekday by 12pm EST. Consumed in 5 minutes or less.
Finally, a reason to look forward to Mondays
Bite-Sized Reads
Quick and easy reads that you can digest in 5 minutes or less.
Expert Advice
Fullstack marketing audits, the latest digital marketing trends, and pro tips for working with digital clients.
Countless Opportunities
Highlights of on-going community projects that you can contribute to and build your skillset with.
The Full Force of Our Collaborative Community
Fresh in your inbox every Monday morning.
Stay Connected
Discover ground-breaking conversations taking place in our global community between influencers and experts & get fresh insight to overcome blockers
Become a Pro
See recaps of our exclusive deep-dive sessions where we complete Fullstack Brand Audits.
Stay Updated
Stay in the know about top trends in marketing today without the fluff pieces so you can keep your edge and stay on top of your game.
Honorable Mentions
Affirm your knowledge and skillset to your clients & other brands by getting featured in our newsletter for contributing to our community.
Full Stack Marketing
Some of the topics our Newsletter covers….
Instant results and traffic to your brand whether you are advertising on social media or on the search engines. Gain insights and ideas on how this can help you.
Social Media
Building your brand awareness, nurturing an audience, building loyalty, and encouraging advocacy across multiple social channels.
Driving results by strategically nurturing your audience and boosting the relevance of the ads they see, remarketing allows us to customize messaging that attracts visitors to revisit your site to complete an action.
PR should be a part of every strong SEO strategy and vice versa. We combine traditional media outreach with content marketing strategies including SEO to increase your growth and discoverability on the search engines.
What others are saying…

The furlough community has truly changed my life path. A previous café owner looking to transition to the marketing space, Furlough has enabled me to cultivate my skills and grow into an email marketer with multiple clients. I will be forever grateful to everyone here for their support and mentorship.

Roslyn Fawns
Furlough Weekly
We filter all the noise so you don’t have too.
Carefully curated digital marketing news, tech, and actionable advice. Delivered fresh every weekday by 12pm EST. Consumed in 5 minutes or less.