An Ecosystem of Growth and Collaboration
Connecting mentors, entrepreneurs, professionals, students and brands to support collaborative growth

Furlough ecosystem is a place where people connect, collaborate and support their peers through different professional channels, live events and sessions.

“We are the space that allows others to step in and shine”

These words from the founder of Furlough Joe Casanova perfectly defines our culture – being there for members, professionals, entrepreneurs, influencers & brands to grow and reach their goals through collaboration and empowerment.

What is Furlough?
Perks of our Community
  • Mastermind sessions held every weekday to encourage continued growth in your ventures.
  • Build your influence, cross promote, and gain exposure with community resources.
  • Loyalty incentives and exclusive access for community leaders and proactive members.
  • Network with global professionals, build relationships and get results.
  • 24/7 Voice channels and team environments for collaborating on projects and campaigns.
  • Accelerate your start up or gain experience working on our vetted community projects.
Join the World’s
Most Collaborative
Marketing Community
What’s included in my membership?
How does the application process work?
How much does it cost to join the community?
Is this community really free?
What’s the catch?
We’ve got the answers.