Zane James

  • Date Joined14/04/2021
  • Furlough RoleEditor
  • Top Industry Coveredinfluencers

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The Future of SEO – Why Embracing UI/UX is the Need of the Hour.

Whether it’s an unresponsive design or a difficult-to-navigate website, as a business owner, you need to avoid these UI/UX pitfalls that can affect your SEO efforts as well. Learn why you need to optimize your website so that it doesn’t only help the search engines but most importantly, solves the need of your customers.


How Furlough Is Empowering Individuals to Take Action Collectively

Collective Strength provides us with a Sense of Security and the Confidence to realize our full potential. The Furlough Community is a prime example of this as our growth-oriented sessions are helping individuals all over the world to figure out their “Why”. Through collaborative tasks, enriching discussions, Furlough is making a statement in the industry and there’s absolutely no reason why You should miss out on it!


The Crane Takes Flight – Zachary Crane / @zacharycrane

From being pushed over as a newbie in the Art Industry to now being in full control of his career, Zachary Crane has learned to take risks as a Full-Time Artist and encourages others to do the same if they want to fulfill their goals.


What is a Full Stack Marketer and Does Your Business Needs One?

Full-Stack Marketing is becoming more and more crucial for businesses especially in the post-pandemic world where small businesses have budget constraints. A Full-Stack Marketer can be their lifeline and significantly boost their Marketing efforts across all digital platforms, all without putting a strain in their financial strength.


Types of Marketers and How Your Business Can Benefit from Them

There are several different types of marketers who can offer something extra to your business. Want to scale growth? Are you looking to optimize your website? Are you looking for the ideal copywriter to create stunning Copy for your Ads? This article will help you figure out which Marketer is best suited to your Objectives.


These Paid Tools MUST Be in Every Full-Stack Marketer’s Arsenal

Full-Stack Marketers will, at some stage, need to buy premium tools. What should you pick? What kinds of software to look out for? Find out in this article!


Free Tools a Full-Stack Marketer can Start Using Right Now!

A lot of Marketers do not have the financial resources to subscribe to loads of Premium Software especially when they’re just starting out. There’s so much to choose from out there that it can become an incredibly strenuous activity. Fortunately, there are a plethora of free options available that you can incorporate into the mix right now and see real-time results.


Furlough Feature: Giancarlo Purch | @giancarlopurch

We’re excited to introduce you to Giancarlo Purch, also known as Blazendary. Giancarlo is a lifestyle vlogger, streetwear influencer, and entrepreneur.



A Balanced Fun Lifestyle with Rachel Samson

Rachel Samson @stickaforkinme is known for her love of food. Rachel currently lives in Miami, Florida.


The untold story of Grace Morisho | @gracemorisho

Today we have the honor of sharing with you the untold story of the Notorious Grace Morisho or as many would know her as @gracemorisho on Instagram.


Boss Lady with Karina Bik | @karinabnyc

Let us welcome Karina Bik @karinabnyc born in Russia!  She currently resides in New York City. Her love for New York is as big as the city.


Furlough Feature: André De Mello | Andredemello

André De Mello | @Andredemello was born in the south of Brazil in Porto Alegre and moved to Rio when he was 6 years old. Now, he is 31 and has lived in major cities worldwide.


Staying Authentic with Brandon Zingale | @brandonzingale

 We would like to introduce you to Brandon Zingale. He is an influencer located in Cleveland, OH with and has 500k+ instagram followers.