On August 23rd, 2008 the world was blessed with the birth of Meghan Bischoff. You might know her on Instagram as @maghan.bischoff. She may have been born in Cape Coral but she knew she was destined for bigger things than the small city so she moved to Miami, FL where she lives now. She plans on keeping Miami as a home base for a very long time.
She loves Miami because of how there is always something to do there and endless opportunities. Every time she goes out she can make connections and network with some amazing people. According to her, everyone there has a pretty great work ethic and they’re always trying to do something to better themselves. One thing she does not like about Miami though is that some people are not very kind. Her being a very caring person, Miami can feel as if the people are quite cold at times. But she still claims that the pros definitely outweigh the cons.
Meghan grew up in Cape Coral which is a small city in southwest Florida. Not many people know about it unless they had grandparents retired there or they went boating somewhere near Cape.
She’s mostly honestly grateful it wasn’t so boring because it always pushed her to stay busy doing other things and developing skills. She started modeling when she was 5 with an agency in Miami and traveled weekly for shoots and castings. She was always very involved in school. She was on almost every sports team, club and was even class president. But she always knew she wanted something more. She loved having a platform and Meghan learned that in school but when social media came around she began to realize what an awesome opportunity she had in front of me. She went to college in Orlando and throughout those years there she started growing her social media page and modeling less for print work and more ad influencer gigs. Choosing products and companies she really believed in and sharing them with an audience she had built. Eventually she realized the next big and best step for her would be to move on down to Miami. Then things only took off from there. She started working with a well known energy drink company as an influencer and model. She then got to travel around the world with them. As well as posting and working with a bunch of amazing different brands. Now not only does she still work as an ambassador and as an influencer but it helped her realize there’s so much more to social media and she wanted a role behind the scenes as well. She started Meghan Media and Marketing to help brands and businesses grow their own social media footprint. She also did it so she can work with them on creative development and marketing strategies. She says it’s funny how things come full circle. But she’s happy for her background and where she came from because it has brought her to the place I am now and she can’t wait to see what else she can accomplish in the future!
Being 5”3 is very hard as a model. She can’t even count the amount of times she has been told no at a casting or audition, but that never stopped her. If anything she let it fuel the fire beneath her to get a yes out of someone and it paid off. She has been told no by so many brands on Instagram for collaborations because she didn’t have a massive following but it helped her to be able to prove to them why working with her would be beneficial and worth it. Even with a smaller page she showed how much she cared and effort she would put in. How she had their target demographic and sales statistics of companies she had previously worked with. Meghan believes nothing that is worthwhile is easy and if you don’t appreciate it, it might be because it was just handed to you. I couldn’t thank the people that told me no or gave me a hard time enough.
She says she is someone who lives life day by day and doesn’t really set a hard date for herself to be by then. She doesn’t think you can be happy that way. She does have goals just not time limits on them. She wants to grow her social media pages a lot within the next couple years, working with bigger brands, and hopefully traveling more for work by then. Since traveling and seeing new places is her favorite thing. She also wants to grow her new business. She has a great clientele and team below her. She knows with hard work anything is possible in 10 years but believe in way less than that!
When we asked her to share something not many people know about her she told us that she is a college drop out. Most people see that she is doing well for herself at a young age and don’t know how she got here. They don’t think success is possible without a degree. She also comes from no money and has worked jobs since she was 13 years old to put herself in the place she is now. She has even worked in a funeral home! She was going to school for a broadcast journalism and radio television major. She also had an internship at a news station. Meghan quickly realized that wasn’t the path for her and wasn’t someone who could waste money on a degree she wouldn’t use. So she dropped out and focused on social media and modeling. No one believed in her and everyone thought it was silly but she proved them wrong.
When it comes to her collaborations, Bang energy has to be the biggest company she works with. With over a million followers on Instagram and sales soaring over any other energy drink in the market, she claims. She says everyone talked about how cool it would be to be a “bang girl” so she did it as well. So when she got that collaboration it was a really big step. She really wants to work with more hotels and destination types of brands. Either resorts, or for different excursions in places or clothing brands shooting in some of her dream destinations. When you get to travel and do what you love as a job at the same time she thinks that is amazing.
At the end of our interview we asked if she can tell her followers just one thing Meghan Bishop blessed us with this response:
“Believe in yourself and always chase your dreams no matter how silly they may seem. Always stay optimistic and open to when you are in life and new opportunities. Everything happens for a reason and you need to trust the timing of your life.”
If you would like to contact Meghan
Instagram: @meghan.bischoff
Email for instagram related topics : meghanb.contact@gmail.com
Email for her business: Meghanmedia@gmail.com