
The Realities of Content Creation @danielleecolontinoo

  • Jun 07, 2021
  • @danielleecolontinoo

We sat down with the relatable and comedic TikToker, Danielle Colontino to discuss the reality of being a content creator in a world where anything has the potential to go viral.

Many people in the content creation industry fall into it by chance. This is exactly what happened to Danielle…

Her friend forgot to give her the homework assignment and she was so annoyed that she jokingly made a TikTok about it. Even though it was a rant done in jest, it completely blew up on the platform.

She realized that this was a huge opportunity she could tap into so she began making regular TikTok’s about her life.

The organic growth opportunities on TikTok are amazing. You can have no following whatsoever, and then suddenly everyone knows who you are.

Danielle lives the daily life of a college student and I think many people can relate to her likeability as a person. Being likeable can push your success forward in fields where you need to act as a presenter, even if it is on a platform like TikTok. 

Difficult beginnings 

She recalls her initial experience of becoming a content creator being a difficult one. The town she grew up in was quite judgemental. Even teachers spoke about her content. Many of her peers judged her negatively and teased her until they realized that people actually liked the content and she started developing a following on the platform. 

“Not many people believe this, but I’m very sensitive. Take away all that crazy energy and there’s a heart down there.”

This is a phenomenon that happens to many people who choose to stand out, or do something different from the norm in their careers. For some reason, people feel uncomfortable when others choose to do something that is deemed unconventional. It is unfortunate that creators are judged so negatively for putting themselves out there. What’s interesting, is when that proactiveness turns into success, the people who were initially negative change their tune.

Finding and surrounding yourself with people who have your best interests at heart can soften the blow. One person who continues to inspire Danielle to keep moving forward is her sister.

“I truly idolize my older sister. She supports me through everything, gives me ideas and tells me to keep going.”

With success comes expectations

Not only is it stressful putting yourself out there when you are starting out but with content creation comes expectations. 

“Not only are people judging me but it’s so stressful having to scream 24/7 into a camera because that’s what my followers wanted. So when I didn’t post that I would get comments saying “scream we want you to scream.”

Cultivating relationships with your followers is really important because it solidifies your brand and builds brand advocacy. With authenticity being questionable in the content creator community, Danielle has decided to be very open and honest with her following.

“People love to lie especially on social media, but I feel like what helped me get to where I am now is honesty. So many people relate to my videos and I feel like I say a lot of things that people are afraid to say and I’m probably the loudest.”

Diversification for long-term success

Speaking of solidifying your brand, long-term planning and diversifying platforms is a strategic goal for content creators. Danielle’s “aha” moment was when she realized people wanted to listen to things she liked talking about. In the next 3-5 years Danielle would like to create a podcast talking about relatable things, crazy stories and issues that teenagers struggle with.

“I want people to remember they’re worth it and that confidence is key. I always say, God created you and there’s no changing that so you might as well be the best you that you can be”

Behind experience, lies knowledge

For creators that are just starting out, Danielle told us that if she had a time machine, one thing she would change is the number of petty TikTok’s she made which had gotten her in trouble multiple times with people in her life.

We also asked her if she could give some advice she’d like to share with her followers.

“God created you and there’s no changing that so you might as well be the best you that you can be.”

Quick Fire

Favorite restaurant?

‘Aumm Aumm.”

Favorite place to travel?

“Turks and Caicos.”

Favorite book?

“Why Men Love Bitches.”

Brand collabs you are proud of?

“I’ve worked with many boutiques, Shein, and a lot of small businesses. I would love to work with bigger online stores like Pretty Little Thing, Oh Polly and Tiger Mist.

Future Projects?

“I have “audacity” merch coming soon.”

We don’t know if we have “the audacity” at Furlough, to wait much longer for the merch release!

To keep in the loop with Danielle, her relatable content and future projects, catch up with her on Instagram and TikTok.